Affiliation |
Doctorial Course in Health Sciences Nursing Course |
Laboratory Phone number |
+81-18-884-6522 |
Laboratory Fax number |
+81-18-884-6522 |
Mail Address |
KAGA Midori
Research Interests 【 display / non-display 】
End of Life Care
Chronic Care Nursing
Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Griffith University Faculty of Health Care Graduated
College of Allied Medical Science Akita University Faculty of Nursing Graduated
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Akita University Graduate School, Division of Medicine Doctor's Course Completed
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
GriffIth UNnivrtsity - Bachelor of Nursing
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
Akita University Doctorial Course in Health Sciences Nursing Course Lecturer
Akita University Graduate School of Medicine Doctorial Course in Health Sciences Basic Nursing Lecturer
Akita University Graduate School of Medicine Doctorial Course in Health Sciences Clinical Nursing Assistant Professor
Akita University School of Medicine School of Health Sciences Assistant Professor
Akita University School of Medicine School of Health Sciences Research Assistant
Research Achievements 【 display / non-display 】
Effects of half-body and foot baths on peripheral circulation in healthy adult males: a pilot study
Takahashi Yusuke, Okura Kazuki, Kaga Midori, Yoshioka Masato
J Phys Ther Sci ( 理学療法科学学会 ) 34 ( 10 ) 652 - 656 2022.10 [Refereed]
Research paper (journal) International Co-author
<p> [Purpose] This study aimed to clarify the optimal conditions of warm-water bathing required to improve peripheral circulation. [Participants and Methods] Ten healthy males experienced three warm-water bathing depths (half-body, low-leg, and foot) on different days. Peripheral circulation (earlobe blood flow), tympanic temperature, pulse rate, and blood pressure were measured during each session and compared among the bathing conditions. [Results] In half-body bathing, the relative blood flow of participants increased steeply to a level 2.7-fold higher than the baseline during bathing and rapidly decreased after that. Conversely, the relative blood flow gradually and continuously increased to a level 1.7-fold higher than that at the baseline during low-leg bathing and maintained a similar level after that. The blood flow did not markedly change throughout the experiment in foot bathing. The pulse rate during foot bathing and that during low-leg bathing did not change throughout the observation period, but that of half-body bathing increased considerably. [Conclusion] Rapid changes in pulse rate or blood pressure associated with bathing are considered risky. We suggest that low-leg bathing, rather than the usually adopted half-body bathing, is appropriate for improving peripheral circulation in terms of effectiveness and safety.</p>
Evaluating a frailty education program implemented through barbershops/salons in Japan: A preliminary study
Sachiko Makabe, Katsuya Fujiwara, Yu Kume, Midori Kaga, Nobuko Munemura, Shoko Kemuyama, Kazutaka Mitobe
SN Soc Sci 2022.04 [Refereed]
Research paper (journal)
An analysis of role behavior of the nurses who are Certified Diabetes Educator of Japan
Kobayashi Mao, Kaga Midori, Andoh Hideaki
The Journal of Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing ( Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing ) 25 ( 1 ) 93 - 102 2021.06 [Refereed]
Research paper (journal) Domestic Co-author
<p>The purpose of this study was to analysis the role of the Nurses who are Certified Diabetes Educator of Japan (CDEJN), and a questionnaire was administered to 481 CDEJNs at 81 institutions who responded that they could cooperate with the study, and 199 responded to the questionnaire (41.4% response rate). The results of exploratory factor analysis revealed that the CDEJNs play six roles and behaviors: guidance for diabetic patients, guidance for complications and complication prevention, cooperation and collaboration in the diabetes guidance team, support for diabetes activities in the community, support for multidisciplinary guidance for diabetes care, reflection on diabetes nursing practice. Factor correlation coefficients ranged from 0.249 to 0.714, and Cronbach' s alpha coefficient for each factor was 0.939 for the entire CDEJN role behavior, and 0.822 to 0.915 within each factor. This study' s results suggest that more experience as a CDEJN is associated with more role behavior as a CDEJN.</p>
Kobayashi Mao, Kaga Midori, Andoh Hideaki
The Journal of Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing ( Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing ) 23 ( 1 ) 128 - 134 2019
Research paper (journal)
◆Original paper【 display / non-display 】
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
Project Year: 2018.04 - Now
Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
Project Year: 2018.04 - 2023.03
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Maintenance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills in nursing students
Midori Kaga, Masato Yoshioka, Nobuko Munemura, Yuko Akagawa, Hirokazu Fukuda, Hideaki Ando
The 6th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science (oosaka ) 2020.02 - 2020.02
Makabe S, Fujiwara K, Kume Y, Kaga M, Munemura N, Kemuya S, Mitobe K
The 23rd East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (Thailand) 2020.01 - 2020.01
How Does the Cardiac Rehabilitation affect to QOL of Patients?
Kaga M, Takahashi Y, Wakasa M, Aihara T, shimbo M, Kosaka T
13th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (Kobe) 2019.06 - 2019.06
The Assessment of QOL in Patients with DM before and after Their Participation in a cardiac Rehabilitation
Kaga M, Takahashi Y, Wakasa M, Aihara T, shimbo M, Kosaka T
The 11th Scientific Meeting of the Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes (Sendai) 2019.05 - 2019.05
Clinical Educators’ Influence on improving New Graduate Nurses’ Clinical Competence in Acute Medical Care
Miyake T, Kaga M, Yoshioka M, Andoh H
26th East Asia Forum of Nursing Scholars 2023.03 - 2023.03
Academic Activity 【 display / non-display 】