

Faculty of Education and Human Studies  Department of School Education  Combined Courses for English,Mathematics and Science Teachers 

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Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • Science Education

  • Educational Psychology

Graduating School 【 display / non-display


    Hokkaido University     Graduated

Graduate School 【 display / non-display


    Hokkaido University  Graduate School of Science  Doctor's Degree Program  Completed


    Hokkaido University  Graduate School of Science  Master's Degree Program  Completed

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2020.04

    Akita University   Faculty of Education and Human Studies   Department of School Education   Combined Courses for English,Mathematics and Science Teachers   Lecturer  

External Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2019.04

    Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science   Kochi University   Postdoctoral Fellowships of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  

  • 2016.04

    Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science   Hokkaido University   Postdoctoral Fellowships of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  

Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display

  • 2017.04



    The Japanese Psychological Association

  • 2016.04



    The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology

  • 2014.07



    Society of Japan Science Teaching

  • 2016.07



    Japan Society for Educational Technology

  • 2017.07



    Japan Society for Science Education

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Education on school subjects and primary/secondary education

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Educational psychology

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Cognitive science

Qualification acquired 【 display / non-display

  • Junior High School Teacher Specialization License

  • High School Teacher Specialization License


Research Achievements 【 display / non-display

    ◆Original paper【 display / non-display

  • Is School Absenteeism a Spectrum? Development and Validation of Japanese Futoko Spectrum Quotient (FSQ)

    Yuejiang Hou, Yuki Harada, Masayoshi Ota, Hiromichi Kato

    Japanese Psychological Research ( Japanese Psychological Association )    2023.09  [Refereed]

    Research paper (journal)   Domestic Co-author


  • A Case Study of the Effect of the Scientific Inquiry Process after “Observations and Experiments Implementation" at a Designated Super Science High School on Students' Interest in Observations and Experiments

    SAITO Keisuke, HARADA Yuki, KUSABA Minoru

    Journal of Research in Science Education ( Society of Japan Science Teaching )  62 ( 3 ) 655 - 666   2022.03  [Refereed]

    Research paper (journal)   Domestic Co-author

    <p>The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has implemented and continues to work on the SSH (Super Science High school) project for the purpose of “cultivating human resources for science and technology". At SSH designated schools, students cultivate interest in observations and experiments through scientific inquiry activities. In this study, we will target both the SSH main target classes, which have many scientific exploration activities at SSH designated schools, and the students who are not in the SSH main target classes, which have fewer such exploratory activities in science. The effect of the exploration process on students' interest in scientific observations and experiments was examined in a case study. The results revealed that in the scientific inquiry process after “Implementation of observations and experiments", students' interest in observation and experimentation may be transformed into a deeper interest regardless of the inquiry elements of the course and students' effort. These results suggest that it is possible to foster a deep interest in observation and experimentation among students even if the learning process has few exploratory elements after “implementation of observations and experiments".</p>

    DOI CiNii Research

  • Synergistic Effects of Interest and Self-Efficacy for Learning Strategies in Observations and Experiments: Focusing on Interaction Effects Based on "Expectancy × Value Theory"

    HARADA Yuki, KUSABA Minoru

    Journal of Research in Science Education ( Society of Japan Science Teaching )  62 ( 1 ) 309 - 321   2021  [Refereed]

    Research paper (journal)  

    <p>The classic Expectancy × Value Theory of motivation assumed the synergistic effect of "expectancy" and "value". However, modern theory has mainly focused on the additive effects. Recently, the synergistic effects have been rediscovered (Nagengast et al., 2011). Previous studies have only examined models that assumed additive effects, leaving it unclear as to whether there are synergistic effects or not. This study focused on observations and experiments in science classes and examined the effects of self- efficacy (expectancy) and interest (value) on the students' tendencies to use different learning strategies. The results showed that there was an interaction pattern for the problem-solving strategy, which is a deep learning strategy, consistent with the expectancy×value theory, and a second-order interaction between the intensity of interest (positive affect), depth of interest (proactive thinking orientation) and self-efficacy. Based on these results, we interpreted the science educational meaning of "×" and emphasized the importance of self-efficacy among learners.</p>


  • The Effects of Social Status in the Classroom on Psychological Safety and Stress Response in Experimental Groups and Critical Discussion in Science Classes

    KAMEYAMA Hirokazu, HARADA Yuki, KUSABA Minoru

    Journal of Research in Science Education ( Society of Japan Science Teaching )  62 ( 1 ) 229 - 245   2021  [Refereed]

    Research paper (journal)  

    <p>In the Course of Study, it was suggested that we should improve our classes based on the viewpoint of active learning. In order to realize truly interactive learning within science classes, it is important to recognize the meaning of learning through interaction and to improve upon the atmosphere in which science discussion takes place. In addition, the atmosphere of science classes is influenced by human relations among the students in the classroom. However, prior research on interactive learning in science education has not focused on individual differences in interpersonal relationships in the classroom. The aim of this research is to examine the influence of school social life on discussion and learning within science classes. Analysis of the results suggested that school social standing has an influence on critical discussion and psychological safety of science groups in science class. In addition, it was revealed that the students with low or moderate social standing among their peers experienced higher stress responses in observation and experiment situations that required "interactive learning" than the students with higher relative social status.</p>


  • Current Issues in Measurement of Metacognition in Science Education: With a Focus on Previous Studies Using Psychological Scales

    HATAKENAKA Toshiki, HARADA Yuki, KUSABA Minoru

    Journal of Research in Science Education ( Society of Japan Science Teaching )  62 ( 1 ) 173 - 185   2021  [Refereed]

    Research paper (journal)  

    <p>Developing students' metacognitive ability is particularly important in science education and has been studied by many researchers and teachers. However, it is difficult to assess (measure) students' metacognitive ability correctly. The off-line method, which measures students' metacognitive ability using questionnaires employing psychological scales, can provide information in a short period of time, but the method's validity was considered to be low (e.g., Harada, Hisasaka, Kusaba & Suzuki, 2020). The purpose of this study was to collect studies that measured students' metacognitive ability in science using such scaled questionnaires, in order to review the statistics and researchers' interpretations. The results indicate that we should strive for the following two outcomes, (1) To conduct a conceptual replication of previous studies,. and (2) To develop upon basic research to refine the measurement of metacognition.</p>


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    ◆International conference proceedings【 display / non-display

  • The Mediation Effect of Academic Self-Concepts on Influence from Spatial Ability to Academic Performances in Mathematics and Science.

    Yuki Harada, Yuying He, Matoko Suzuki

    2018 International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education, Conference Program     425   2018.12  [Refereed]

    Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Domestic Co-author

  • Comparative Study of Distance Education in Japan and Taiwan

    Yuying He, Yuki Harada, Katsusuke Shigeta

    2018 International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education, Conference Program     435   2018.12  [Refereed]

    Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Domestic Co-author

  • Poor verbal and visuospatial working memory of students induces modality specific errors in science learning

    Yuki Harada, Makoto Suzuki

    East-Asian Association for Science Education Official E-Proceedings     66 - 67   2016.08  [Refereed]

    Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Domestic Co-author

  • Study on the impact of children’s theories of intelligence for science and working memory capacity on the beliefs for science learning

    Yuki Harada, Makoto Suzuki

    International Journal of Psychology   51 ( Suppl ) 826 - 826   2016.08  [Refereed]

    Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Domestic Co-author

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display

  • Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists

    Project Year: 2021.04  -  2024.03 

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)

    Project Year: 2022.04  -  2026.03 

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)

    Project Year: 2020.04  -  2022.03 

Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • The Effect of a Science and Technology Human Resource Development Program on High School Students’ Motivation in Science Learning

    Keisuke SAITO , Yuki HARADA, Eunsup CHI, Minoru KUSABA

    STEM 2021 Virtual Conference  (Virtual Conference)  2021.07  -  2021.07  Hosted Virtually by the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada

  • Internal frame of reference mediates influence of spatial ability on STEM's academic self-concepts

    Yuki HARADA

    ICP2020 32nd International Congress of Psychology  2021.07  -  2021.07  Czech and Moravian Psychological Society (ČMPS)

  • Influence of School Burnout on Absenteeism Tendency during Transition to Middle School among Japanese Students

    Yuejiang Hou, Yuki Harada, Hiromichi Kato

    ICP2020 32nd International Congress of Psychology  2021.07  -  2021.07  Czech and Moravian Psychological Society (ČMPS)

  • Comparative analysis of school absence behavior in China and Japan

    Yuejiang Hou, Shu Yue, Yuki Harada

    6th International Conference on Education – ICEDU 2020  2020.04  -  2020.04 

  • Comparative Study of Distance Education in Japan and Taiwan

    Yuying He, Yuki Harada, Katsusuke Shigeta

    2018 International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education  2018.11  -  2018.11 

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Academic Activity 【 display / non-display

  • Society of Japan Science Teaching
