

Advanced Research Center for Geriatric Medicine 

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Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • 基礎老化理論

  • 細胞老化

  • 老年医学

  • 認知症

  • 長寿遺伝子

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Graduating School 【 display / non-display


    Kumamoto University   Faculty of Medicine   Graduated

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    The University of Tokyo  Graduate School, Division of Medicine  Doctor's Course  Completed

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2018.06

    Akita University   Advanced Research Center for Geriatric Medicine   Professor  

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Life Science / General internal medicine  / 老年医学


Research Achievements 【 display / non-display

    ◆Original paper【 display / non-display

  • Improvement of social frailty is associated with stability of nonparametric characteristics of the rest-activity rhythm and improvement of the usual walking ability in the elderly.

    Yu Kume, Ayuto Kodama, Sayaka Arai, Makiko Nagaoka, Akiko Sato, Akira Saito, Hidetaka Ota, Hideaki Ando

    Chronobiology international     1 - 9   2024.08

    Research paper (journal)  

    Our study, conducted between April 2022 and January 2024, was aimed at clarifying components of the rest-activity rhythm (RAR) involved in improvement of social frailty state before or after a 3-month multi-component exercise intervention in the elderly. Participants were recruited from the general population in Akita prefecture, Japan. We administered a four-item social frailty screening questionnaire to classify the severity of social frailty in each participant before and after the 3-month intervention. The RAR parameters were measured on an Actiwatch Spectrum Plus device worn by the subjects for 7 continuous days. As the final sample, 65 participants classified into the improved/maintained group (n = 36) or the deteriorated group (n = 29) according to the change in the social frailty classification after the intervention were included in the analysis. The results of a binomial logistic regression analysis showed significantly higher values of interdaily stability (IS) and usual walking speed at the post-test after the intervention. Based on our findings, we propose that stability of the rest-activity rhythm related to synchronization with external stimuli (such as social effect and physical activity) might have clinical impact on improvement of social frailty state in elderly community-dwellers.

    DOI PubMed

  • Unmodulated 40 Hz Stimulation as a Therapeutic Strategy for Aging: Improvements in Metabolism, Frailty, and Cognitive Function in Senescence-Accelerated Prone 10 Mice.

    Tatsunori Shimizu, Hidetaka Ota, Ayuto Kodama, Yasuhiro Suzuki, Takako Ohnuma, Rieko Suzuki, Kaoru Sugawara, Yasushi Sato, Hiroyuki Kodama

    Biomolecules   14 ( 9 )   2024.08

    Research paper (journal)  

    With aging populations in many countries, including Japan, efforts to mitigate the aging-related decline in physical function have gained importance not only for improving individual quality of life but also for mitigating the effects of this loss of function on society. Impaired glucose tolerance, muscle weakness, and cognitive decline are well-known effects of aging. These interrelated factors can create a vicious cycle because impaired glucose tolerance can accelerate muscle weakness and cognitive decline. Unmodulated 40 Hz (u40Hz) stimulation is imperceptible to the human ear and has been reported to improve cognitive function in humans and mice. However, research on the effects of u40Hz stimulation is still limited. This study aimed to report the effects of u40Hz stimulation on glucose tolerance and muscle strength in senescence-accelerated prone (SAMP)-10 mice, a model of accelerated aging. SAMP-10 mice underwent five weeks of u40Hz stimulation followed by glucose-tolerance tests, cognitive and behavioral assessments, and frailty evaluations. In comparison with the control group, the u40Hz-stimulation group showed mitigation of age-related decline in glucose tolerance, a better frailty index (FI), and notably preserved muscle strength. Microarray analysis of stimulated muscle tissue revealed significant upregulation of β-oxidation genes and genes functioning downstream of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, and significant downregulation of clock genes. These findings indicate the beneficial effects of u40Hz stimulation on glucose tolerance, muscle strength, and cognitive function, warranting further research in this area.

    DOI PubMed

  • Effectiveness of a Theater Program Intervention on the Cognitive, Physical, and Social Functions of Elderly People Living in the Community: A Pilot Survey

    Kodama A, Kume Y, Watanabe N, Iino Y, Imamura S, Ota H

    Clinical Case Reports International   7 ( 1 ) 1591   2023.08  [Refereed]

    Research paper (journal)  


  • An examination of the performance efficiency among dementia community support coordinators in Akita Prefecture

    Shimizu Tatsunori, Kodama Ayuto, Sugawara Kaoru, Asano Mariko, Okuda Yuji, Ota Hidetaka

    Nippon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi. Japanese Journal of Geriatrics ( The Japan Geriatrics Society )  59 ( 4 ) 543 - 550   2022  [Refereed]

    Research paper (journal)  

    <p><b>Aim: </b>To consider what is necessary to ensure the efficient performance of dementia community support coordinators.</p><p><b>Methods: </b>In Akita Prefecture, we conducted a simple questionnaire survey of dementia community support coordinators in 25 municipalities to clarify the current status of their activities and examine what needs to be done to develop their projects more efficiently.</p><p><b>Results: </b>It became clear that residents were not aware of the existence of these coordinators, underscoring the need to publicize their existence and activities. The lack of tools to improve the public's understanding of social resources for sharing information on building a support system was also demonstrated. In terms of cooperation, it was found that, despite the establishment of cooperation with IPIST and the medical center for dementia, cooperation with dementia support coordinators was insufficient. Furthermore, we confirmed that support coordinators were not very involved in the creation and activities of dementia care paths.</p><p><b>Conclusions: </b>Based on the above findings, we propose five points to support further efficient development. 1. Disseminate information to inform local residents about dementia community support coordinators, 2. Collaborate with dementia support coordinators and the welfare commissioner, 3. Create social resource maps and facilitate their understanding and establish dementia care path activities, 4. Create a work environment where dementia community support coordinators do not have to work concurrently, and 5. Create learning opportunities to improve understanding of the overall dementia policy.</p>

    DOI PubMed CiNii Research

  • Association between Kihon check list score and geriatric depression among older adults from ORANGE registry

    Yu Kume, Seongryu Bae, Sangyoon Lee, Hyuma Makizako, Yuriko Matsuzaki-Kihara, Ichiro Miyano, Hunkyung Kim, Hiroyuki Shimada, Hidetaka Ota

    PLoS One ( PLoS ONE )  16 ( 6 June ) e0252723   2021.06  [Refereed]

    Research paper (journal)   International Co-author

    OBJECTIVE: Older adults in Japan are tackling health-related challenges brought by comprehensive geriatric symptoms, such as physical and cognitive problems and social-psychological issues. In this nationwide study, we mainly focused on the Kihon checklist (KCL) as certificated necessity of long-term care for Japanese older adults and investigated whether the KCL score was associated with geriatric depression. In addition, we aimed to identify critical factors that influence the relationship between the KCL score and geriatric depression. METHODS: This survey was a cross-sectional observational study design, performed from 2013 to 2019. A total of 8,760 participants aged 65 years and over were recruited from five cohorts in Japan, consisting of 6,755 persons in Chubu, 1,328 in Kanto, 481 in Kyushu, 49 in Shikoku and 147 in Tohoku. After obtaining informed consent from each participant, assessments were conducted, and outcomes were evaluated according to the ORANGE protocol. We collected data on demographics, KCL, physical, cognitive and mental evaluations. To clarify the relationship between the KCL and geriatric depression or critical factors, a random intercept model of multi-level models was estimated using individual and provincial variables depending on five cohorts. RESULTS: The KCL score was correlated with depression status. Moreover, the results of a random intercept model showed that the KCL score and geriatric depression were associated, and its association was affected by provincial factors of slow walking speed, polypharmacy and sex difference. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that provincial factors of low walking performance, polypharmacy and sex difference (female) might be clinically targeted to improve the KCL score in older adults.

    DOI PubMed

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    ◆Other【 display / non-display

  • Dasatinib plus quercetin attenuates some frailty characteristics in SAMP10 mice

    Ota H.

    Scientific Reports ( Scientific Reports )  12 ( 1 ) 2425 - 2425   2022.12

    Senolytics are a class of drugs that selectively remove senescent cells. Dasatinib and quercetin have been discovered, and their combination has shown various anti-ageing effects. The SAMP10 mouse strain is a model of brain ageing. Here, we investigated the effect of combination on frailty characteristics in SAMP10. By comparing SAMP10 with SAMR1 mice as normal ageing controls, we investigated some frailty characteristics. Frailty was assessed at 18-38 weeks of age with a clinical frailty index. Motor and cognitive function of these mice were evaluated using behavioral experiments. SAMP10 mice were divided into vehicle and combination, and these functions and histological changes in the brain hippocampus were investigated. Finally, the in vitro effects of combination on oxidative stress-induced senescent muscle and neuronal cells were investigated. As a result, we found that frailty index was higher in SAMP10 than SAMR1. Motor and cognitive function were worse in SAMP10 than SAMR1. Furthermore, combination therapy improved frailty, motor and cognitive function, and the senescent phenotype of the hippocampus compared with vehicle in SAMP10. In summary, SAMP10 showed more marked frailty characteristics than SAMR1, and dasatinib and quercetin attenuated them in SAMP10. From our results, senolytic therapy might contribute protective effects against frailty.

    DOI Repository PubMed

  • Person-centered dementia care during COVID-19: a qualitative case study of impact on and collaborations between caregivers

    Kazawa K.

    BMC Geriatrics ( BMC Geriatrics )  22 ( 1 ) 107 - 107   2022.12

    BACKGROUND: Little is known about the actual impact of COVID-19 on caregivers of older people with dementia and resultant collaborations among them to provide continued person-centered care while undertaking infection control measures. In this study, we explored the impact of providing dementia care during COVID-19 on caregivers involved in dementia care. METHODS: This is an exploratory qualitative case study. The participants were family members living with older people with dementia, care managers, and the medical and long-term care facility staff. Data were collected from 46 caregivers via face-to-face and semi-structured interviews and analyzed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: The interviews identified 22 themes related to the impact of COVID-19 on different positions of the caregivers involved in dementia care and their collaboration, and we categorized them into six categories. The core themes were "re-acknowledgement of care priorities" and "rebuilding of relationships." When caregivers' perceptions were aligned in the decision-making processes regarding care priorities, "reaffirmation of trust" and "strengthening of intimate relationships" emerged as positive changes in their relationships. Furthermore, the differences in the ability of each caregiver to access and select correct and appropriate information about COVID-19, and the extent of infection spread in the region were related to "anxiety during COVID-19 pandemic" and caused a "gap in perception" regarding infection control. CONCLUSIONS: The present study clarified that the process of aligning the perceptions of caregivers to the objectives and priorities of care for older people with dementia during COVID-19 pandemic strengthened the relationships among caregivers. The findings of this study are useful for caregivers involved in person-centered dementia care.

    DOI Repository PubMed

  • A Pilot Survey: Oral Function as One of the Risk Factors for Physical Frailty

    Kodama A.

    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ( International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health )  19 ( 10 )   2022.05

    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to examine the association of the multiple facets of oral, motor, and social functions in community-dwelling older adults, to identify factors that might influence the risk of frailty. METHODS: Of the 82 participants included in the study, 39 (5 males and 34 females) were young-old adults, with an average age of 70.5 ± 2.8 years, and 43 (14 males and 29 females) were old-old adults, with an average age of 78.7 ± 2.9 years. We assessed the risk factors for frailty among oral, motor, and social functions. RESULTS: Statistical analysis showed a significant difference in the oral diadochokinesis between the groups (p = 0.006). According to the Spearman correlation analysis, a significant association was observed with age and oral diadochokinesis (rs = -0.262, p = 0.018), and social support (rs = -0.219, p = 0.049). Moreover, binomial logistic regression analysis revealed a significant association of frailty with the occlusal force (odds ratio, 0.031; 95% confidence interval (95% CI), 0.002-0.430; p = 0.010), General Oral Health Index (odds ratio, 0.930; 95% CI, 0.867-0.999, p = 0.046), and availability of social support (odds ratio, 0.803, 95% CI, 0.690-0.934, p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: To prevent frailty at an early stage, assessments of oral functions, and also that of the availability of social support, are important.

    DOI Repository PubMed

  • The Effect of Deep Micro Vibrotactile Stimulation on Cognitive Function of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Dementia

    Kodama A.

    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ( International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health )  19 ( 7 )   2022.04

    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to clarify the effect of Deep Micro Vibrotactile (DMV) stimulation on the cognitive functions in elderly people with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia. METHODS: A total of 35 participants with dementia from three nursing homes, who had completed treatment with DMV stimulation at 15-40 Hz (hereinafter, 15-40 Hz DMV stimulation) for a month were recruited for this study. The subjects had received continuous 15-40 Hz DMV stimulation for 24 h a day for 1 month. We assessed the effect of the treatment on the cognitive functions (by the word list memory (WM) test, trail making test-part A (TMT-A) and part B (TMT-B), and symbol digit substitution task (SDST)) and physical functions (grip strength (GS) and usual walking speed (UWS)), by comparing the results at the baseline and after the 1-month intervention (DMV stimulation). RESULTS: The results revealed that the performances in the WM test (p &lt; 0.05), TMT-B (p &lt; 0.05), and SDST (p &lt; 0.01) improved significantly after the intervention. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that 15-40 Hz DMV stimulation is might be effective for improving the cognitive functions in elderly people with dementia. Furthermore, our novel findings showed the different effectiveness of the treatment depending on the stage of cognitive impairments.

    DOI Repository PubMed

  • Social frailty is independently associated with geriatric depression among older adults living in northern Japan: A cross-sectional study of ORANGE registry

    Kume Y.

    Geriatrics and Gerontology International ( Geriatrics and Gerontology International )  22 ( 2 ) 145 - 151   2022.02

    AIM: To clarify prevalence of social frailty among older adults living in a rural Japanese community, and factors associated with social frailty status. METHODS: In total, 322 adults aged ≥65 years living in a Japanese rural community took part in the study from 2018 to 2020. Social frailty was defined as deficiencies of: (i) living alone; (ii) talking with someone every day; (iii) feeling helpful to friends or family; (iv) going out less frequently compared with last year; and (v) visiting friends sometimes. Social frail status was categorized as robust (0), social prefrail (1), and social frail (≥2), according to the summated score of Makizako's criteria. Multiple logistic regression analysis was applied to clarify factors associated with social frailty status. RESULTS: Final samples were classified into 68 persons with social frailty, 98 persons with social prefrailty and 147 persons as robust. We observed the prevalence of social frailty (21.7%) and social prefrailty (31.3%) and the GDS-15 had significantly high scores in the social frail groups. Social frailty was significantly associated with the GDS-15 score (odds ratio, 1.33; 95% CI, 1.19-1.49) and TMT-A (odds ratio, 1.04; 95% CI, 1.01-1.08) and GDS-15 (odds ratio, 1.13; 95% CI, 1.03-1.26) were extracted as independent variables of social prefrail status, with adjustment for demographics, polypharmacy and lifestyle-related diseases. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that social frailty tends to be increasing gradually in a Japanese rural area, and social prefrailty might be potentially associated with attentional function, as well as the GDS-15 score. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2022; 22: 145-151.

    DOI PubMed

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Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)

    Project Year: 2023.04  -  2026.03 

  • Deep Micro Vibrotactile, DMV for Dementia and its Application for Dementia

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)

    Project Year: 2021.04  -  2024.03 

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)

    Project Year: 2021.04  -  2024.03