

Faculty of Education and Human Studies  Department of Regional Studies and Humanities   

Laboratory Address

Education Building 3-126

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Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • Christianity

  • Japanese occupied Indonesia

  • islam

  • Indonesian literature

  • Indonesian language

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Graduating School 【 display / non-display


    Waseda University   Graduate School of Letters, Arts, and Sciences   Ph.D.(lit.) by dissertation   Graduated

  • 1985.09

    University of Wisconsin-Madison   College of Letters and Science   Linguistics; Southeast Asian Studies   Graduated

Graduate School 【 display / non-display

  • 1994.04

    University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Rackham Graduate School  History  Southeast Asian History  Doctor's Course  Accomplished credits for doctoral program

  • 1989.09

    University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Rackham Graduate School  History  Southeast Asian History  Master's Course  Completed

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Waseda University -  Ph.D. in Literature

  • University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Rackham Graduate School -  Masters of Arts (MA)

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison -  Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2018.04

    Akita University   Faculty of Education and Human Studies   Department of Regional Studies and Humanities       Associate Professor  

Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display

  • 2019.04



    Akita Association of English Studies

  • 2016.08




  • 1995.01



    KITLV (Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Others / Others  / Medical History

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / History of Europe and America

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / History of Asia and Africa  / Southeast Asian History

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / History of Asia and Africa


Thesis for a degree 【 display / non-display

  • History Unhinged: World War II and the Reshaping of Indonesian History

    Horton, William Bradley 


    Single author

    This dissertation concerns the absence and misrepresentation of the Japanese occupation in modern Indonesian history, and seeks to address the question of the transformation of historical understanding if this period and the cultural approaches to examining history and society were integrated into our understandings.

Research Achievements 【 display / non-display

    ◆Original paper【 display / non-display

  • Silence in an Indonesian Film: Aspects of Language Use in Seputih Hatinya, Semerah Bibirnya (1980)

    ホートン ウィリアム, ブラッドリー

    ソシオサイエンス   25   69 - 83   2019.03  [Refereed]

    Research paper (journal)   Single author

    This limited study examines the uses of silence in three scenes from the classic Indonesian movie “Seputih Hatinya, Semerah Bibirnya” [Her Lips as Red as her Heart is White] (1980) to gain a better linguistic understanding of prosodic use of silence in Indonesian language and culture around 1980.

  • A Fictional Detective's Exploration of the Swirling Maelstrom of Indonesia in the Early 1940s: Patjar Koening and the Mysterious Death of Moh. Hoesni Thamrin

    ホートン ウィリアム, ブラッドリー

    International Journal of Indonesian Studies   Special Issue ( Southeast Asian Noir ) 93 - 108   2018.05  [Refereed]

    Research paper (journal)   Single author

    This paper examines a forgotten novel (1941) featuring a Javanese detective, Raden Soebroto, and mysterious villain, Patjar Koening, presenting an analysis in the context of political scandals, and suggesting that it was shaped by legal risks facing the author and publisher, and inappropriate for readers in politically tense periods like the Japanese occupation (1942-5) or the revolution (1945-9).

  • Tales of a Wartime Vagabond: Hayashi Fumiko and the travels of Japanese writers in early wartime Southeast Asia

    William Bradley Horton

    Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis   34   34 - 49   2014.12  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Research paper (journal)   Single author


  • Our Friends the Timorese: World War II in East Timor and Australian Memory Work

    William Bradley Horton

    早稲田大学文学学術院文化人類学年報   3   1 - 11   2008.12  [Invited]

    Research paper (journal)   Single author


  • Pieter Elberveld: The Modern Adventure of an 18th Century Indonesian Hero

    William Bradley Horton

    Indonesia   76   148 - 183   2003.10  [Refereed]

    Research paper (journal)   Single author


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    ◆Introduction and explanation【 display / non-display

  • Mapping the Acehnese Past

    William Bradley Horton

    Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde ( KITLV )  168 ( 2/3 ) 343 - 345   2012.06

    Introduction and explanation (scientific journal)   Single author


  • Lindgard, Refugees and Rebels: Indonesian Exiles in Wartime Australia

    William Bradley Horton

    Journal of Asian Studies ( Association for Asian Studies )  69 ( 3 ) 964 - 965   2010.08

    Introduction and explanation (scientific journal)   Single author


  • ◆University bulletin, Research institution【 display / non-display

  • Medicine and Money: Advertising for Malaria Medicines in the Final Years of the Netherlands East Indies


    秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学   76   91 - 100   2021.03

    Research paper (university bulletin, research institution)   Single author


  • Djiwa Baroe: The Japanese Occupation of Java and the Indonesian Press

    ホートン ウィリアム・ブラッドリー

    秋田大学高等教育グローバルセンター紀要   2   49 - 58   2021.03

    Research paper (university bulletin, research institution)   Single author

  • Revision of Examinations in a 1st Year University English Program: The practicality and reliability of using in-house versus textbook publishers’ examinations

    パターソン エイドリアン, ホートン, ホートン, ウィリアム・ブラッドリー

    秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学   75   2020.03

    Research paper (university bulletin, research institution)   Domestic Co-author


  • Shifting Communication: Language learning during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia

    ホートン ウィリアム・ブラッドリー

    秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文・社会科学   75   11 - 19   2020.03

    Research paper (university bulletin, research institution)   Single author


  • ギィ・ポーカーと1950〜70年代のアメリカ—インドネシア関係

    ホートン ウィリアム・ブラッドリー

    アジア太平洋討究   29   85 - 104   2017.09  [Refereed]

    Research paper (university bulletin, research institution)   Single author


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    ◆Research society, Symposium materials, etc.【 display / non-display

  • Listen Carefully, I Shall Say This Only Once: The BBC’s ’Allo ’Allo! in the Classroom

    William Bradley Horton, Adrian Paterson

    秋田英語英文学   62   2021.03

    Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.)   Single author

  • From Hero to Criminal (and Back Again): The Yellow Adventures of Baroness Orczy’s Scarlet Pimpernel in Indonesia

    ホートン ウィリアム・ブラッドリー

    秋田英語英文学   61   1 - 13   2020.03

    Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.)   Single author


  • ◆Other【 display / non-display

  • Digital Humanities in the Covid Era: The Perspective of a Historian of Modern Indonesia from Northern Japan

    William Bradley Horton

    Paramita: Historical Studies Journal   32 ( 2 ) 243 - 252   2022.09

    The covid-19 era has changed the world, including more “open access” publications, the increasing importance of digital research materials, and engagement in digital interactions of increased importance in the humanities. Perspectives of isolated scholars, in this case, working on the history of Indonesia during World War II from a small national university in a remote city in northern Japan, provide an essential perspective on conducting research and creating digital archives. Far closer to Indonesian students and researchers than researchers in major universities in the West, such practical perspectives are urgently needed to achieve the full potential of digital humanities. Some archives and public library collections have developed digital collections for readers and researchers, however smaller collections of materials made by scholars in the course of their research are also of significant importance but present a large number of unique problems, including dependence on low-budget efforts by individual scholars in their “spare time” to do all the planning and digitizing of their research materials. A coordinated effort by a group of scholars in northern Japan to digitize materials on Indonesian history is making progress but faces different problems than those of large institutions. These problems include long-term support, determining and coding materials for their accessibility, depending on the nature of the material and the rights involved. None-the-less, it is hoped that innovative collaboration will allow some of these materials to be made available to the general public and outside researchers while minimizing the disadvantages.


  • A Cautionary Tale of Arrogance: How the US Government Shattered Harry Benda's Collaborative Translation Project on Japanese Scholarship on Wartime Indonesia

    William Bradley Horton

    Academia Letters ( Academia.edu )    1 - 6   2022.04

    In 1963, the US government publisher JPRS issued an unauthorized translation of a seminal Japanese work on the wartime administration of Java. The appearance of this book resulted in the abrupt end of Harry J. Benda's Rockefeller Foundation supported translation project. This article attempts to grapple with this mysterious event and the repercussions of the US government's arrogant attitude towards authorial rights in the 1960s.


  • Mataram, Sultanate of

    William Bradley Horton

    The Encyclopedia of Empire ( John Wiley & Sons, Ltd )    1 - 3   2016.01

    A kingdom centered in South-Central Java between the 16th century and 1755, when it was formally divided, Mataram has its roots in the mid-16th-century kingdoms of Pajang and Pengging, with legends ascribing its founding to Kyai Gedhe Mataram and expansion to his son Panembahan Senapati Ingalaga (r. c.1584–1601). Mataram reached the peak of its power under Sultan Agung in the early 17th century, based on his political ability and continual military exploits. However, the Dutch East India Company (VOC) was also aggressively expanding throughout the Indonesian archipelago, and had located its headquarters on the northwest coast of Java. The reign of Amangkurat I and the wars for succession over the next hundred years drew the VOC into Javanese affairs, and allowed them to intervene in the shrinking kingdom of Mataram. The division of the kingdom in 1755 is conventionally considered the end of Mataram.


  • International Workshop: Japan and the Comfort Women of Asia

    ホートン ウィリアム, ブラッドリー

    WOJUSS International Symposium; Report 2014     3 - 10   2015.03

    Meeting report etc.   Single author

  • Refugees and Rebels: Indonesian Exiles in Wartime Australia

    William Bradley Horton

    JOURNAL OF ASIAN STUDIES ( CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS )  69 ( 3 ) 954 - 956   2010.08

    Book review and document introduction, etc.   Single author


Books 【 display / non-display

  • Sastra Indonesia Tionghoa

    Njoo Joe Lan, William Bradley Horton

    Terbang Lepas  2023.09

  • Laut Sama Direnangi: A Festschrift for James T. Collins

    William Bradley Horton

    Institut Kajian Etnik, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia  2022.06 ISBN: 9789670741826

    "Patjar Koening and the Mysterious Death of Moh. Hoesni Thamrin"

  • A Bibliography of Japanese Language Primary Sources on the Japanese Military Administration in Indonesiaerials Catalog

    Aiko Kurasawa (author), "Bibliography" Compilation Committee (editors)

    Ryukei Shosha  2020.08 ISBN: 4844706055

    "Bibliography" Compilation Committee member.


  • Understanding Indonesian Dramas of the Japanese Period [Memahami Drama-drama Indonesia Zaman Jepang]


    Author of "Kata Pengantar" [Introduction]

  • Pahlawan dari Batavia: Narasi Pieter Erberveld Melawan Kompeni / The Hero of Batavia: Discourses on the Rebellious Pieter Erberveld

    Komunitas Bambu  2018.06 ISBN: 9786027200166

    A dual language volume (English and Indonesian) made up of an introduction and two articles. The first article talks about the Indonesian language stories and histories about the Eurasian "rebel" of the early 18th century, Pieter Erberveld, from the 1880s-early 2000s, tracing the knowledge of Indonesians about this ambivalent figure. The second article examines the interactions of Japanese with the monument to Pieter Erberveld created by the Dutch after executing him in 1722. Focused primarily on the early 20th century, this story culminates in the destruction of the monument and the lingering memories of Japanese towards this figure.

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Academic Awards Received 【 display / non-display

  • Certificate of Appreciation

    2019.06.26   Directorate-General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia   Certificate of Appreciation

    Winner: William Bradley Horton

    In recognition of his valuable contribution to the compilation of Bibliografi Beranotasi: Sumber Sejarah Masa Pendudukan Jepang di Indonesia.

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display

  • Indonesian Malaria War-Society during the Japanese Occupation as Seen from the Epidemic Prevention and Medical System (Translation, not official title)

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)

    Project Year: 2022.04  -  2026.03  Investigator(s): Horton William, B

  • The Malaria War in Indonesia during the Japanese Occupation Period: "Colonial" society as seen from medical care and hygiene

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)

    Project Year: 2019.04  -  2023.03  Investigator(s): Horton William.B

    In Indonesia during the Japanese occupation, medical units actively investigated infectious diseases and tropical diseases. In particular, they had a strong interest in malaria, which is highly infectious. This study focuses on medical care and hygiene, in which public policies are directly linked to individual life and the actual conditions of life are reflected in the policies, in this case malaria, which was a high cause of death at that time, together with medical care and hygiene. The purpose is to depict the social situation at that time by scrutinizing and analyzing related documents and understanding them in a multifaceted and comprehensive manner. In addition to standard humanities and social science research (historical documentary research), this project's research will be conducted under an interdisciplinary system that also introduces physical science analysis. This research will create a new field of medical care and hygiene in the social history of Indonesia during the Japanese occupation, and at the same time, create a new academic field of fusion of literature and science.

  • "Missing Link" in Modern Indonesian History: Post-war society seen through Japanese military administration

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)

    Project Year: 2019.04  -  2023.03  Investigator(s): Mayumi Yamamoto

  • The Invisible Hand of the Great Country over Indonesia during the Cold War Era-Critical Consideration of the Western Scholarly World

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)

    Project Year: 2018.04  -  2021.04  Investigator(s): Kochi Kaoru

  • The "missing link" of modern history in Indonesia-Japanese military networks connecting the prewar and postwar periods

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)

    Project Year: 2016.04  -  2020.03 

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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Medicines and Advertisements in Indonesia, 1930s to the post-war era

    ホートン ウィリアム・ブラッドリー

    EuroSEAS Conference 2022  2022.07  -  2022.07 

  • “Basmilah Malaria!”: The Long War Against Malaria in 20th Century Indonesia

    William Bradley Horton

    Health Infrastructure and Asia's Epidemiological Transitions: Historical Perspectives  2022.04  -  2022.04 

  • A Malarial Romance: Japanese Medical Propaganda in the War

    ホートン ウィリアム・ブラッドリー

    First International Workshop--Malaria Wars: The War against Malaria in Japanese Occupied Indonesia  2021.09  -  2021.09 

  • Malaria and Medicines in the Wartime Indonesian Press

    ホートン ウィリアム・ブラッドリー

    First International Workshop--Malaria Wars: The War against Malaria in Japanese Occupied Indonesia  2021.09  -  2021.09 

  • Our Medicine: Alternative Medicines for Malaria from Local Renewable Resources during the Japanese Occupation of Indonesia (1942-1945)

    William Bradley Horton

    EuroSEAS Conference 2021  (Palacký University in Olomouc)  2021.09  -  2021.09  European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS)

    While Java was the world’s leading producer of cinchona bark, the vital ingredient for quinine, World War II resulted in both local and widespread shortages of quinine even within Indonesia. There were shortages of many other kinds of medicines and medical supplies as well. Even before the war, cost of medical treatment, availability of medical professionals, confidence in untested traditional medicines, and even suspicion of Western medicine were obstacles to improvement of public health.
    In the days after the declaration of independence, with Japanese troops still present in Jakarta, a small 31-page booklet was published by the government publisher, Balai Poestaka. Entitled Obat-obat dari Bahan-bahan Negeri Sendiri [Medicines from Our Own Country’s Materials], if taken at face value, this book’s authors were seeking to find a way for both individual citizens and whole regions to become more medically independent through utilization of local renewable natural resources and traditional knowledge. Included were two recipes for treatment of malaria. This was not a sudden event, as efforts to develop and test alternative medicines for different illnesses were eagerly spread throughout Indonesia, even crossing Japanese administrative borders and dangerous stretches of ocean. This paper will discuss these two medicines, their development, potential effectiveness, as well as this publication itself.

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Media Report 【 display / non-display

  • Japanese Occupied Indonesia's Malaria War (1942-1945)