Affiliation |
Cooperative Research Center |
Date of Birth |
1974 |
Research Interests 【 display / non-display 】
Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Yamagata University Graduated
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Akita University Graduate School of Engineering and Resource Science Doctor's Degree Program Completed
Yamagata University Graduate School of Engineering and Resource Science Master's Degree Program Completed
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
Akita University Cooperative Research Center Associate Professor
Akita University Cooperative Research Center Specially-appointed Lecturer
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Humanities & Social Sciences / Commerce / 消費者行動
Humanities & Social Sciences / Business administration / Intellectual property management, Regional branding, Marketing
Informatics / Kansei informatics / 感性工学
Research Achievements 【 display / non-display 】
Development of Reinforced Concrete Dismantling System Using Steam Pressure Cracking Agent SPC
NAGAO Kouta, MIYOTA Tatsuya, MIZUMA Hiroyuki, NAKATSU Masanobu, IWAMA Yuichi, KAZUMI Takashi, NANAO Jumpei, ITO Shinichi, TAKAHASHI Mamoru, MIYANO Yasuyuki, Murata Kenji, KAMIYA Osamu
Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources of Japan ( The Society of Materials Engineering for Resources of JAPAN ) advpub ( 0 ) 20 - 28 2024.05
Research paper (journal)
Channel structure for guest inclusion based on hexameric assembly of thiacalix[4]arene analogue
Fumio Hamada,Manabu Yamada,Yoshihiko Kondo,Shin Ichi Ito,Uichi Akiba
CrystEngComm 2011.12
Research paper (journal) Domestic Co-author
A Study on the Economic Effect of "Omagari Fireworks" Using a Regional Input-Output Table
USUKI Tomoaki, ITO Shinichi
79 19 - 26 2024.03
Research paper (university bulletin, research institution)
A study of regional branding development in the regional collective trademark system
23 ( 2 ) 67 - 77 2021.03
Research paper (university bulletin, research institution) Domestic Co-author
Behavior Analysis Method in Supermarkets Using Image Processing and Machine Learning
Suzuki Kenta, Ito Yudai, Ito Shinichi, Yamamoto Hiroki, Kageyama Yoichi
Proceedings of IIAE Annual Conference ( The Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers ) 2024 ( 0 ) 17 - 18 2024
Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.)
ITO, Shinichi, USUKI, Tomoaki
5 61 - 68 2024.03
ITO Shinichi, USUKI Tomoaki
4 55 - 61 2023.03
A Study on the Function of Education from the Perspective of Regional Management
USUKI Tomoaki, ITO Shinichi
78 29 - 35 2023.02
ITO Shinichi, USUKI Tomoaki
3 39 - 46 2022.03
This study investigates the factors that contribute to broadening social understanding of e-sports events. e-sports is a method for viewing computer games as sports, and has attracted strong interest from around the world. The brand image of e-sports in Japan is derived from home video game consoles and is often pointed out by customers as being aimed at children. This is one of the factors hindering the spread of the sport. Therefore, we conducted a survey to find out what kind of e-sports tournaments would help revitalize local communities. As a result of factor analysis, it was found that the participants were divided into two groups: the spectator group and the experience value group. As for the game titles to be handled, the participants preferred titles that they had played on home video game consoles rather than IPs used in the world championships.
A study on the economic impact of COVID-19 on tourism in Akita Prefecture
USUKI Tomoaki, ITO Shinichi
77 11 - 17 2022.03
This paper is a study the economic impact of COVID-19 on tourism in Akita Prefecture as an example. First, we survey papers of the economic impact of COVID-19 in Japan. In addition, we research decline in tourists based on the tourism statistics by Akita Prefectural Government, and we estimate effects of the economic impact of COVID-19 on tourism in Akita Prefecture by input-output analysis. As a result, it became clear that COVID-19 impacts to economic in Akita Prefecture. COVID-19 caused a loss of tourism demand in Akita Prefecture and caused a great economic loss to the tourism-related industry.
◆Original paper【 display / non-display 】
◆University bulletin, Research institution【 display / non-display 】
◆Research society, Symposium materials, etc.【 display / non-display 】
◆Other【 display / non-display 】
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Project Year: 2017.04 - Now
Construction of smoothing scheme for intellectual property utilization type loan using gamification technique.
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Project Year: 2017.04 - 2020.03 Investigator(s): ITO Shinichi
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up)
Project Year: 2014.08 - 2016.03
Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Scientists
Project Year: 2014.04 - 2015.03
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Behavior Analysis Method in Supermarkets Using Image Processing and Machine Learning
Suzuki Kenta, Ito Yudai, Ito Shinichi, Yamamoto Hiroki, Kageyama Yoichi
Proceedings of IIAE Annual Conference 2024 - 2024 The Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers
産学連携学会 2020 - 2020
北東北3大学×3銀行 ネットビックスプラスの取組みについて
産学連携学会 2020 - 2020
ゲーミフィケーションの技法を取り入れた学金連携知財価値評価手法 の開発
産学連携学会 2020 - 2020
Development of legal game where patent law is learned using gaming simulation technique
Shinichi ITO, Masami IDO, Takeshi SHIBATA
International Simulation and Gaming Association 2018 2018.07 - 2018.07
Academic Activity 【 display / non-display 】