IMAI Kazuhiro



Graduate School of Medicine  Doctorial Course in Medicine  Oncoregulatory Medicine  Department of Thoracis Surgery

Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • lung cancer

  • immunology

  • oncology

Graduating School 【 display / non-display


    Akita University   Faculty of Medicine   Graduated

Graduate School 【 display / non-display


    Akita University  Graduate School,Division of Medicine  Chest Surgery  Doctor's Course  Completed

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2018.10

    Akita University   Graduate School of Medicine   Doctorial Course in Medicine   Oncoregulatory Medicine   Associate Professor  

  • 2014.04

    Akita University   Hospital   SurgeryⅡ   Lecturer  


Thesis for a degree 【 display / non-display

  • Accuracy of helical computed tomography for the identification of lymph node metastasis in resectable non-small cell lung cancer.

    Imai K 

    Surgery Today  38 ( 12 ) 1083 - 1090   2009.03

    Domestic Co-author


Research Achievements 【 display / non-display

    ◆Other【 display / non-display

  • Identification of telomere maintenance gene variations related to lung adenocarcinoma risk by genome‐wide association and whole genome sequencing analyses

    白石 航也, 高橋 篤, 桃沢 幸秀, 醍醐 弥太郎, 金子 修三, 川口 喬久, 國頭 英夫, 松本 慎吾, 堀之内 秀仁, 後藤 明輝, 本多 隆行, 清水 公裕, 虎澤 匡洋, 高柳 大輔, 齋藤 元伸, 斎藤 聡, 大江 裕一郎, 渡辺 俊一, 後藤 功一, 坪井 正博, 土原 一哉, 髙田 定暁, 碧井 智美, 高野 淳, 小林 正嗣, 宮城 洋平, 田中 和美, 鈴木 弘行, 前田 大地, 山浦 匠, 松田 麻衣子, 島田 陽子, 水野 孝昭, 坂本 裕美, 吉田 輝彦, 後藤 悌, 吉田 達哉, 山地 太樹, 園部 誠, 豊岡 伸一, 米田 和恵, 真砂 勝泰, 田中 文啓, 原 めぐみ, 布施 昇男, 西塚 哲, 元井 紀子, 澤田 典絵, 西田 裕一郎, 熊田 和貴, 竹内 研時, 丹野 高三, 谷田部 恭, 角南 久仁子, 菱田 智之, 宮崎 泰成, 伊藤 秀美, 雨宮 光宏, 戸塚 裕彦, 中山 治彦, 横瀬 智之, 石垣 和慶, 永島 宗晃, 大瀧 容一, 今井 一博, 高澤 建, 南谷 佳弘, 小林 和馬, 大久保 憲一, 若井 建志, 清水 厚志, 山本 雅之, 岩崎 基, 松田 浩一, 稲澤 譲治, 白石 友一, 西川 博嘉, 村上 善則, 久保 充明, 松田 文彦, 鎌谷 洋一郎, 浜本 隆二, 松尾 恵太郎, 河野 隆志

    Cancer Communications ( Wiley )  44 ( 2 ) 287 - 293   2024.02

    非喫煙者に多いEGFR変異肺腺がんへのかかりやすさを解明 肺腺がんの予防・早期発見にむけた手がかりとして期待. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-11-09.

    CiNii Research

  • Fundamental study of Electric Field Mixing Technique in accelerating Nucleic Acid hybridization

    Ohkubo Yoshinobu, Nakamura Ryuta, Akagami Yoichi, Wakamatsu Yuki, Imai Kazuhiro, Kusumi Takayuki, Minamiya Yoshihiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting ( The Japan Society for Precision Engineering )  2023A ( 0 ) 741 - 742   2023.08

    DOI CiNii Research

  • A case of emergency carinal reconstruction with ECMO support

    Atari Maiko, Kawai Hideki, Ishii Yoshiaki, Takashima Shinogu, Imai Kazuhiro, Minamiya Yoshihiro

    The Journal of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery ( The Japanese Association for Chest Surgery )  37 ( 5 ) 493 - 499   2023.07

    <p>Among respiratory surgeries, carinal reconstruction is a rare surgical procedure. In addition, it requires advanced techniques; thus, it is often performed after repeated preoperative simulations, especially in collaboration with the anesthesiology department. Here, we report a case of tracheal cancer that required emergency surgery with carinal reconstruction.</p><p>The patient was a 76-year-old man who was transferred to our department following the diagnosis of tracheal cancer. After transfer to our hospital, complete atelectasis of the left lung was confirmed during the preoperative examination; therefore, emergency surgery was decided for life-saving purposes. The surgery was performed under extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Carinal resection was conducted via right-sided thoracotomy, and double-barrelled reconstruction was performed. After the surgery, postoperative complications, such as aspiration pneumonia, interstitial pneumonia, and anastomotic dehiscence of the carina, were noted, and perioperative management was challenging. Nonetheless, the patient was safely transferred approximately 4 months after the surgery. It is rare to have an emergency operation that requires carinal reconstruction; thus, we present this case along with a review of the literature.</p>

    DOI CiNii Research

  • Outcomes of clinical Stage I non-small cell lung cancer patients whose treatment was converted from segmentectomy to lobectomy

    Harata Yuzu, Imai Kazuhiro, Takashima Shinogu, Atari Maiko, Matsuo Tsubasa, Minamiya Yoshihiro

    The Journal of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery ( The Japanese Association for Chest Surgery )  36 ( 6 ) 621 - 626   2022.09

    <p>Segmentectomy is a standard surgical treatment option for stage IA non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). However, segmentectomy is only an oncologically safe and reasonable alternative to lobectomy when the intraoperative lymph node staging and surgical margin are adequate. The aim of the present study was to compare the outcomes (frequency, reasons, and prognosis) of patients converted from segmentectomy to lobectomy at the intraoperative direction of the surgical team. This retrospective study analyzed the outcomes of 121 patients who were scheduled to undergo segmentectomy for clinical stage IA NSCLC between January 2014 and August 2020. Eight of the 121 patients were converted from segmentectomy to lobectomy based on the intraoperative diagnosis and surgeon's judgment. Among the 8 converted cases, 4 were diagnosed with lymph nodes metastasis based on analysis of frozen sections and 4 had a problem related to the surgical technique (e.g., surgical margin or uncontrollable bleeding). Diagnosis of the 3 node malignant-positive patients was guided by rapid-immunohistochemistry using noncontact alternating current electric field mixing. There was no significant difference in overall survival between patients with completed segmentectomy (n=113) and those converted to lobectomy (n=8) (P=0.5828). In clinical stage IA NSCLC patients, lobectomy can be selected instead of segmentectomy, if appropriate judgement/diagnosis is intraoperatively achieved.</p>

    DOI CiNii Research

  • A Case of Chordoma Detected as a Mediastinal Tumor

    Takahashi Shugo, Mitsui Masafumi, Izukawa Shota, Iwai Hidenobu, Fujishima Satoshi, Yajima Nobuhisa, Imai Kazuhiro, Minamiya Yoshihiro

    Haigan ( The Japan Lung Cancer Society )  62 ( 4 ) 317 - 322   2022.08

    <p><b><i>Background. </i></b>Chordoma, a rare malignant tumor that originates from primitive notochord remnants, commonly affects the sacrum, skull base, and mobile spine. However, chordomas may rarely present as paravertebral mediastinal tumors. <b><i>Case. </i></b>A 54-year-old man at his annual checkup underwent chest radiography, which revealed an extra-pleural nodule in the right upper lung field. Chest computed tomography (CT) revealed a right paravertebral tumor at the upper mediastinum. We clinically diagnosed the mass as a benign neurogenic tumor, and it was removed surgically. A histopathological examination showed large vacuolated cells arranged in sheets and myxoma-like tissues characteristic of chordoma. We pathologically diagnosed the tumor as chordoma based on the brachyury-positive status. No subsequent therapies were administered, and no recurrence was observed at the six-month follow-up. <b><i>Conclusion. </i></b>We herein report a case of mediastinal chordoma treated with surgical resection.</p>

    DOI CiNii Research

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