髙橋 直人 (タカハシ ナオト)




大学院医学系研究科(医学専攻等)  医学専攻  腫瘍制御医学系  血液・腎臓・膠原病内科学講座











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  • 血液内科学

  • 血液腫瘍学

  • 分子細胞遺伝学

  • 薬物動態

  • 薬物遺伝学

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    秋田大学   医学研究科   内科学第三系   卒業


    秋田大学   Graduate School, Division of Medicine   internal medicine   卒業


    秋田大学   医学部   卒業


    秋田大学   医学部   卒業


    秋田大学   医学部   医学科   卒業

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    秋田大学  医学研究科  博士課程  修了

留学履歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2003年05月

    サスカチュワン大学 サスカチューンがんセンター   Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

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  • 秋田大学 -  医学博士

職務経歴(学内) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2015年02月

    秋田大学   大学院医学系研究科(医学専攻等)   医学専攻   腫瘍制御医学系   血液腎臓膠原病内科学   教授  

  • 2012年07月

    秋田大学   附属病院   総合診療部   部長  

  • 2006年04月

    秋田大学   医学部   医学科   講師  

職務経歴(学外) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2015年02月

      秋田大学大学院医学系研究科   血液腎臓膠原病内科   教授

学会(学術団体)・委員会 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 1993年03月




研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ライフサイエンス / 血液、腫瘍内科学

  • ライフサイエンス / 血液、腫瘍内科学


研究等業績 【 表示 / 非表示

    ◆原著論文【 表示 / 非表示

  • Multiple myeloma–associated non-crystalline proximal tubulopathy and crystalline cast nephropathy: Biochemical and structural features of disease-causing monoclonal kappa light chains

    Ezawa T.

    FASEB Journal ( FASEB Journal )  39 ( 1 ) e70296   2025年01月


    Various tubular diseases in patients with multiple myeloma (MM) are caused by monoclonal immunoglobulin light chains (LCs). However, the physicochemical characteristics of the disease-causing LCs contributing to the onset of MM-associated tubular diseases remain unclear. We herein report a rare case of MM-associated combined tubulopathies: non-crystalline light chain proximal tubulopathy (LCPT) and crystalline light chain cast nephropathy (LCCN). The patient's urinary κ-LC (Bence-Jones proteins, BJP-κ PT-CN) was detected through immunofixation. Renal biopsy revealed cytoplasmic vacuoles in swollen proximal tubular cells and distal tubular casts. Immunohistochemistry showed proximal tubular reabsorption granules and distal tubular casts positively stained with an anti-κ-LC antibody. Electron microscopy identified vacuolation and an increased number of lysosomes in proximal tubular epithelial cells without crystalline structures. Distal tubular casts comprised numerous crystals with both rod-shaped and needle-like configurations and tube-shaped materials. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying tubular toxicity, we performed the following physicochemical analyses of BJP-κ PT-CN: N-terminal amino acid sequencing, cDNA cloning, size-exclusion chromatography, thermal shift assays, and X-ray crystallography. The variable segment of BJP-κ PT-CN was derived from the IGKV1-39 gene. The characteristic features of BJP-κ PT-CN were a positively charged surface patch, concentration-dependent monomer-dimer equilibrium, and the R61G mutation. This is the first biochemical and structural characterization of disease-causing BJPs in MM-associated LCPT and crystalline LCCN. The results obtained suggest that these characteristic features enhance protein binding to negatively charged sites on brush-border membranes in proximal tubules and promote the formation of organized casts in distal tubular lumens.

    DOI PubMed

  • A lower initial dose of bosutinib for patients with chronic myeloid leukemia patients resistant and/or intolerant to prior therapy: a single-arm, multicenter, phase 2 trial (BOGI trial)

    Ureshino H.

    International Journal of Hematology ( International Journal of Hematology )  120 ( 4 ) 492 - 500   2024年10月


    Although bosutinib is generally safe and effective, drug-related toxicities (DRTs) such as diarrhea or increased transaminase levels often lead to treatment discontinuation. To clarify whether a lower initial dose of bosutinib (i.e., starting at 200 mg) would reduce rates of discontinuation due to DRTs, we conducted a phase 2 study of BOsutinib Gradual Increase (BOGI trial, UMIN 000032282) as a second/third-line treatment for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Between February 4, 2019 and May 24, 2022, 35 patients were enrolled. The rate of bosutinib discontinuation at 12 months was 25.7% vs. 35.9% in a historical control study (Japanese phase 1/2 study) (p = 0.102). The rate of bosutinib discontinuation due to DRTs was significantly lower, at 11.4% vs. 28.2% (p = 0.015). The incidence of grade 3/4 transaminase elevation was 20% vs. 29% (p = 0.427), while the incidence of diarrhea was 3% vs. 25% (p = 0.009). The median dose intensity of bosutinib was higher (391.7 mg/day vs. 353.9 mg/day). Pharmacokinetic analysis of bosutinib showed that patients who achieved a major molecular response tended to have high trough concentrations. Thus, a low initial dose of bosutinib followed by dose escalation reduced discontinuation due to severe DRTs while maintaining high dose intensity and efficacy.

    DOI PubMed

  • Nilotinib vs dasatinib in achieving MR<sup>4.5</sup> for de novo chronic myeloid leukemia: the randomized JALSG CML212 study

    Matsumura I.

    Blood Advances ( Blood Advances )  8 ( 20 ) 5237 - 5247   2024年10月


    Treatment-free remission (TFR) is a new therapeutic goal for chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase (CML-CP). Deep molecular response (DMR) is a prerequite condition for TFR. The Japan Adult Leukemia Study Group (JALSG) conducted a multicentral prospective randomized phase 3 CML212 study for de novo CML-CP to compare the cumulative achievement of MR4.5 (international scale [IS] BCR::ABL1≤0.0032%) by 18 months between nilotinib and dasatinib as a primary endpoint. A total of 454 patients were randomly assigned to the nilotinib 300 mg, bid arm or dasatinib 100 mg, qd arm (both, n=227). BCR::ABL1 mRNA levels were monitored every three months. Study treatment was stopped if the patients were judged as failure by the European LekemiaNet (ELN) 2009 criteria or showed intolerance. The cumulative achievement rates of MR4.5 by 18 months were 32.6% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 26.5-39.1%) in the nilotinib arm and 30.8% (95% CI: 24.9-37.3%) in the dasatinib arm with no significant difference (p=0.66). Also, the cumulative achievement rates of early molecular response (EMR), complete cytogenetic response (CCyR) and major molecular response (MMR), MR4.0 by 12, 18, 24, and 36 months were almost the same between the two arms. At 36 months, 66.5% and 65.0% patients continued nilotinib and dasatinib, respectively (p=0.76). There was no significant difference in progression-free survival (PFS) or overall survival (OS) between the two arms by log-rank tests (PFS, p=0.58; OS, p=0.64). These results suggest that nilotinib and dasatinib would be equally effective for de novo CML-CP patients with similar continuity. UMIN Clinical Trials Registry (#UMIN000007909).

    DOI PubMed

  • Successful Treatment of Monoclonal Immunotactoid Glomerulopathy Associated with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Using Ibrutinib.

    Ayano Saito, Yoshihiro Kameoka, Kumi Ubukawa, Hiroshi Ohtani, Fumito Abe, Masaya Saito, Mako Hashimoto, Tatsuro Kanazawa, Atsushi Komatsuda, Naoto Takahashi

    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) ( 一般社団法人 日本内科学会 )  advpub ( 0 )   2024年10月


    A 71-year-old woman developed nephrotic syndrome during 10-year follow-up for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. A renal biopsy sample analysis revealed IgG1-lambda-positive monoclonal immunotactoid glomerulopathy (mITG). The patient was treated with ibrutinib, a Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitor, and complete renal remission was achieved after 24 months. ITG is a rare disease that is characterized by glomerular deposition. In particular, mITG, which presents immune deposits that exhibit light-chain restriction, is often associated with hematologic disorders. Most patients with mITG receive immunosuppressive therapy and/or chemotherapy; however, to our knowledge, there have been no reports of treatment with ibrutinib.

    DOI PubMed CiNii Research

  • Comprehensive analysis of microRNAs modulated by histone deacetylase inhibitors identifies microRNA-7-5p with anti-myeloma effect

    Yamada M.

    International Journal of Hematology ( International Journal of Hematology )  120 ( 3 ) 325 - 336   2024年09月


    Basic research to expand treatment options for multiple myeloma is greatly needed due to the refractory nature of the disease. Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors, which are epigenetic regulators, are attractive but have limited applications. MicroRNAs (miRNAs), which are also epigenetic regulators, are important molecules that may lead to future therapeutic breakthroughs. In this study, we comprehensively searched for miRNAs that are altered by HDAC inhibitors in myeloma cells. We identified miR-7-5p (miR-7) as a miRNA downregulated by HDAC inhibitors. Transfection of myeloma cell lines with miR-7 suppressed cell proliferation, induced apoptosis, and enhanced the effects of the HDAC inhibitor panobinostat. Expression of miR-7 was downregulated by c-Myc inhibition, but upregulated by bortezomib. Comprehensive examination of miR-7 targets revealed four candidates: SLC6A9, LRRC59, EXOSC2, and PSME3. Among these, we focused on PSME3, an oncogene involved in proteasome capacity in myeloma cells. PSME3 knockdown increases myeloma cell death and panobinostat sensitivity. In conclusion, miR-7, which is downregulated by HDAC inhibitors, is a tumor suppressor that targets PSME3. This miR-7 downregulation may be involved in HDAC inhibitor resistance. In addition, combinations of anti-myeloma drugs that complement changes in miRNA expression should be considered.

    DOI PubMed

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    ◆その他【 表示 / 非表示

  • Abstract Versus Concrete Risk Identification in Clinical Research in Japan: Randomized and Prospective Pilot Research on the Effect of Risk Reduction Activities in a Risk-Based Approach

    Kondo H.

    Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science ( Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science )  59 ( 1 ) 71 - 79   2025年01月


  • Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Producing Granulocyte Colony-stimulating Factor and Parathyroid Hormone-related Protein: A Case Report and Literature Review

    Kumagai Takuya, Saito Masaya, Sato Takahiko, Inoue Junichi, Ishikawa Norihisa, Ono Tsuyoshi, Kono Michihiro, Takahashi Naoto

    Internal Medicine ( 一般社団法人 日本内科学会 )  advpub ( 0 )   2025年

    <p>We herein report a case of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) characterized by paraneoplastic hypercalcemia-leukocytosis syndrome. The patient presented with systemic symptoms, including anorexia, a fever, and a tumoral lesion on the upper arm. Laboratory test results revealed hypercalcemia and leukocytosis. A tissue biopsy confirmed SCC, and further investigation revealed elevated parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) levels. Immunostaining demonstrated G-CSF production by the tumor cells. Radiation therapy was administered, which improved leukocytosis and decreased G-CSF and PTHrP levels. Through a case report and literature review, we explored the clinical characteristics of tumors that produce G-CSF and PTHrP. </p>

    DOI PubMed CiNii Research

  • 膜性腎症を合併し多彩な自己抗体陽性を認めた全身性強皮症

    橋本 眞子, 阿部 史人, 齋藤 綾乃, 坂口 舞, 金澤 達郎, 齋藤 雅也, 高橋 直人

    日本リウマチ学会北海道・東北支部学術集会抄録集 ( (一社)日本リウマチ学会-北海道・東北支部 )  34回   84 - 84   2024年10月

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科研費(文科省・学振)獲得実績 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ヒト赤芽球におけるオルガネラリロケーションの統括的制御機構の解明


    研究期間:  2018年04月  -  2022年03月 

  • ヒト赤芽球におけるオルガネラリロケーションの統括的制御機構の解明


    研究期間:  2018年04月  -  2022年03月  代表者:  小松 久美, 高橋 直人

  • タクロリムス血中濃度測定に加えCYP3A5遺伝子多型解析を行う意味はあるのか?


    研究期間:  2014年04月  -  2018年03月 

  • タクロリムス血中濃度測定に加えCYP3A5遺伝子多型解析を行う意味はあるのか?


    研究期間:  2014年04月  -  2018年03月  代表者:  新岡 丈典, 三浦 昌朋, 佐藤 滋, 高橋 直人, 加賀谷 英彰

  • 次世代がん薬物治療ストラテジーの確立


    研究期間:  2014年04月  -  2017年03月  代表者:  三浦 昌朋, 高橋 直人, 柴田 浩行, 土谷 順彦, 加賀谷 英彰, 鐙屋 舞子

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その他競争的資金獲得実績 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 慢性骨髄性白血病患者における第二世代チロシンキナーゼ阻害薬の中止後の無治療寛解の評価と最適化

    提供機関:  厚生労働省  日本医療研究開発機構 革新的がん医療実用化研究事業

    研究期間: 2021年04月  -  2022年03月 


  • 慢性骨髄性白血病におけるチロシンキナーゼ阻害剤との長期併用時のTM5614の安全性・有効性を検討する第II相試験

    提供機関:  厚生労働省  日本医療研究開発機構 革新的がん医療実用化研究事業

    研究期間: 2018年04月  -  2021年03月 


  • 患者レジストリを活用した筋萎縮性側索硬化症治療薬開発のための医師主導治験

    提供機関:  厚生労働省  日本医療研究開発機構 臨床研究・治験推進研究事業

    研究期間: 2018年04月  -  2021年03月 


  • 同種造血幹細胞移植患者における、ステロイド抵抗性/依存性腸管急性移植片対宿主病(GVHD)に対する便微生物移植 (fecal microbiota transplantation) の有効性を検討する第II相多施設共同研究

    提供機関:  厚生労働省  日本医療研究開発機構免疫アレルギー疾患等実用化研究事業(移植医療技術開発研究分野)

    研究期間: 2017年04月  -  2020年03月 


  • チロシンキナーゼ阻害薬による慢性骨髄性白血病の治癒を目指した研究

    提供機関:  厚生労働省  日本医療研究開発機構 革新的がん医療実用化研究事業

    研究期間: 2016年04月  -  2020年03月 


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受託事業受入実績 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 外部資金(その他委託等事業)-腎生検-酒田市病

    契約期間: 2020年04月01日  -  2021年03月31日

  • 外部資金(その他委託等事業)-腎生検-秋田市病

    契約期間: 2020年04月01日  -  2021年03月31日

  • 外部資金(その他委託等事業)-開発治験

    契約期間: 2020年04月01日  -  2021年03月31日

寄附金・講座・研究部門 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 奨学寄付日本製薬株式会社

    寄附者名称:日本製薬株式会社 2021年02月

  • 奨学寄付持田製薬株式会社

    寄附者名称:持田製薬株式会社 2021年02月

  • 奨学寄付日本化薬

    寄附者名称:日本化薬 2021年02月

  • 奨学寄付帝人ファーマ株式会社

    寄附者名称:帝人ファーマ株式会社 2021年02月

  • 奨学寄付武田薬品

    寄附者名称:武田薬品 2021年01月

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