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大学院理工学研究科 共同サステナブル工学専攻 |
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名古屋大学 工学研究科 機械理工学専攻 博士課程 修了
宮崎大学 工学系研究科 応用物理学専攻 博士課程 修了
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名城大学 理工学部 非常勤講師
独立行政法人国立病院機構名古屋医療センター 客員研究員
名古屋大学 未来材料・システム研究所 助教
研究等業績 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Numerical simulation of the flow and output of a Savonius hydraulic turbine using lattice Boltzmann method
T. Uchiyama, T. Seta, S. Iio, T. Ikeda, K. Takamure
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 16 025301 2024年03月 [査読有り]
Unidirectional growth of epitaxial tantalum disulfide triangle crystals grown on sapphire by chemical vapour deposition with a separate-flow system
T. Yanase, M. Ebashi, K. Takamure, W. Ise, H. Waizumi, A. Chikamatsu, Y. Hirose, T. Shimada
CrystEngComm ( Royal Society of Chemistry ) 2024年01月 [査読有り]
TantaluTantalum disulfide is gathering considerable attention due to its rich phase diagram that includes polytypes and charge density wave, thus having the potential for electrical device applications. However, epitaxial TaS2 thin films grown by chemical vapour deposition are still limited due to few available precursors. Herein, an originally designed atmospheric chemical vapour deposition with a separate-flow system was proposed to accomplish the controlled synthesis of TaS2 thin films. The sophisticated deposition sequence enables us to make unidirectional TaS2 triangle domains on c-plane sapphire using a chloride precursor. The quality of the grown TaS2 thin films was confirmed by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and observing a step-and-terrace structure without spiral defects. The growth mechanism was discussed and concluded as the Volmer-Weber mode from the surface morphologies and elemental analysis. Our strategy is expandable to the other transition metal dichalcogenides because all the chloride precursors show a considerable vapour pressure below 200 °C.
Changes in power generation performance of an undershot cross-flow hydraulic turbine in an irrigation canal due to snow masses passing through the rotor
E. Satou, T. Uchiyama, K. Takamure, T. Ikeda, T. Okayama, T, Miyazawa, D. Tsunashima
Heliyon 9 ( 10 ) e20833 2023年10月
Collection of Oil Mist using a Baffle Plate-Type Mist Trap
K. Takamure, T. Uchiyama, S. Ando, H. Kato, H. Nakayama
Applications in Engineering Science ( Elsevier ) 15 100137 2023年09月 [査読有り]
Inactivation Characteristics of a 280-nm Deep-UV Irradiation Dose on Aerosolized SARS-CoV-2
K. Takamure, Y. Iwatani, H. Amano, T. Yagi, T. Uchiyama
Environment International 177 108022 2023年07月 [査読有り]
A non-filter virus inactivation unit was developed that can control the irradiation dose of aerosolized viruses by controlling the lighting pattern of a 280 nm deep-UV (DUV)-LED and the air flowrate. In this study, the inactivation properties of aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 were quantitatively evaluated by controlling the irradiation dose to the virus inside the inactivation unit. The RNA concentration of SARS-CoV-2 remained constant when the total irradiation dose of DUV irradiation to the virus exceeded 16.5 mJ/cm2. This observation suggests that RNA damage may occur in regions below the detection threshold of RT-qPCR assay. However, when the total irradiation dose was less than 16.5 mJ/cm2, the RNA concentration monotonically increased with a decreasing LED irradiation dose. However, the nucleocapsid protein concentration of SARS-CoV-2 was not predominantly dependent on the LED irradiation dose. The plaque assay showed that 99.16% of the virus was inactivated at 8.1 mJ/cm2 of irradiation, and no virus was detected at 12.2 mJ/cm2 of irradiation, resulting in a 99.89% virus inactivation rate. Thus, an irradiation dose of 23% of the maximal irradiation capacity of the virus inactivation unit can activate more than 99% of SARS-CoV-2. These findings are expected to enhance versatility in various applications. The downsizing achieved in our study renders the technology apt for installation in narrow spaces, while the enhanced flowrates establish its viability for implementation in larger facilities.
Effect of the Large-Scale Structure on Turbulent Prandtl Number in a Turbulent Shear Layer
K. Takamure, Y. Sakai, Y. Ito, K. Iwano
Proceedings of ASME-JSME-KSME 2019 8th Joint Fluids Engineering Conference ( AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS ) AJKFluids2019-4722 - V001T01A060 (10 pages) 2019年11月 [査読有り]
We have run a Direct Numerical Simulation of a spatially developing shear mixing layer. The aim of this study is to clarify the influence of the large-scale structure on the turbulent Prandtl number Pr-T. As a main conclusion, Pr-T takes a small value (Pr-T similar to 0.5) in the dominant region of the large-scale structure. The budget analyses for the Reynolds stress equation and the scalar flux equation revealed that the differences between the momentum and scalar transfer are caused by terms related to pressure (i.e., pressure-strain correlation term, pressure-scalar gradient correlation term, and pressure diffusion terms). Phenomenally, the momentum in the field where a large-scale vortex coexists tends to be transported toward the counter-gradient direction under the influence of pressure, but the scalar is transported toward the gradient direction. As a result, it is thought that the difference in the driving force between the momentum and scalar transport causes the decrease of the Pr-T.
Experimental Study of Mixing of Two-Layer Density-Stratified Fluid by a Vortex Ring
L. Cao, R. Ito, T. Degawa, Y. Matsuda, K. Takamure, T. Uchiyama
Proceedings of ASME-JSME-KSME 2019 8th Joint Fluids Engineering Conference AJKFluids2019-4972 - V005T05A030 (8 pages) 2019年11月 [査読有り]
Flow Past Two Cylinders Arranged in Tandem Within a Microbubble Plume
T. Uchiyama, R. Kano, T. Degawa, K. Takamure
Proceedings of ASME-JSME-KSME 2019 8th Joint Fluids Engineering Conference ( AJKFluids2019-4971 ) V005T05A042 (10pages) 2019年11月 [査読有り]
内山知実, 高牟礼光太郎
クリーンテクノロジー 33 ( 3 ) 36 - 38 2023年03月
Investigation of Non-equilibrium Turbulence and Its Application to Flow Control (Cases of inhomogeneous, anisotropic and compressible turbulence)
Y. Sakai, K. Nagata, Y. Ito, K. Iwano, T. Watanabe, T. Hayase, K. Takamure, K. Tanaka, S. Nagaya
Proc. of the 17th International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information (AFI-2017) 1 page 2017年11月
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学術関係受賞 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Featured Article に選出 (AIP Advances)
2022年05月 AIP Advances Blocking Effect of Desktop Air Curtain on Aerosols in Exhaled Breath
受賞者: 高牟礼光太郎, 坂本恭晃, 八木哲也, 岩谷靖雅, 天野浩, 内山知実
科研費(文科省・学振)獲得実績 【 表示 / 非表示 】
エアロゾルの飛散防止に適した 空気壁の効果が長距離にわたって持続するエアカ ーテンの開発
研究期間: 2022年04月 - 2023年03月
学会等発表 【 表示 / 非表示 】
日本機械学会東海支部第73期総会・講演会 2024年03月 - 2024年03月
Measurement of particle collection efficiency of flat plate electrode type electrostatic precipitator
T. Haruki, S. Ando, T. Yagi, H. Amano, Y. Iwatani, K. Takamure, T. Uchiyama
International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2023 2023年12月 - 2023年12月
Experimental Investigation of Jet Characteristics with Cut NACA0036 Airfoil
C. Wang, K. Takamure, T. Uchiyama
International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2023 2023年12月 - 2023年12月
Visualized measurement of the wake of a sphere having a uniaxial through-hole
D. Kobayashi, K. Takamure, T. Uchiyama
International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2023 2023年12月 - 2023年12月
Oil mist collection characteristics by using corrugated sheet type oil mist trap
H. Nakayama, T. Hisai, K. Takamure, T. Uchiyama
International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2023 2023年12月 - 2023年12月