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大学院医学系研究科(医学専攻等) 医学専攻 社会環境医学系 衛生学・公衆衛生学講座 |
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鄭 松伊 (ジヨン ソンイ)
JUNG Songee
出身大学 【 表示 / 非表示 】
ソウル女子大学(Seoul women's University) 体育学科(Department of Human Movement Science 卒業
出身大学院 【 表示 / 非表示 】
筑波大学 大学院人間総合科学研究科 スポーツ医学 博士課程 修了
筑波大学 人間総合科学研究科 体育学 博士前期課程 修了
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秋田大学 大学院医学系研究科 助教
弘前大学 助教
弘前大学 大学院医学研究科 デジタルニュートリション学講座 助教
国立研究開発法人 国立長寿医療研究センター 日本学術振興会特別研究員
国立研究開発法人 国立長寿医療研究センター 研究員
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ライフサイエンス / スポーツ科学
人文・社会 / 認知科学
ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含む
ライフサイエンス / 認知脳科学
ライフサイエンス / 遺伝学
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Kinoshita F.
PLoS ONE ( PLoS ONE ) 18 ( 10 October ) 2023年10月 [査読有り]
研究論文(学術雑誌) 国内共著
Relationship between lower urinary tract symptoms and frailty.
Yusuke Ozaki, Shingo Hatakeyama, Atsushi Imai, Jung Songee, Osamu Soma, Kai Ozaki, Naoki Fujita, Teppei Okamoto, Hiromichi Iwamura, Hayato Yamamoto, Takahiro Yoneyama, Yasuhiro Hashimoto, Chikara Ohyama
International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association 2023年04月 [査読有り]
研究論文(学術雑誌) 国内共著
OBJECTIVE: To elucidate the relationship between frailty and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). METHODS: We longitudinally evaluated the temporal changes and the relationships between frailty and LUTS in 247 community-dwelling adults (45 years or older) at baseline and at a 5-year follow-up. We used the Fried phenotype (phenotype-based frailty), 5-item modified frailty index (5i-mFI; comorbidity-based frailty), and frailty discriminant score (comprehensive frailty assessment) to evaluate frailty. LUTS were evaluated using the international prostate symptom score (IPSS) and overactive bladder symptom score (OABSS). RESULTS: We analyzed 247 participants with a median age of 60 years. The median IPSS and OABSS were significantly increased over the 5 years. The proportion of frail individuals did not increase significantly over the 5 years. Of the three frailty assessment tools, the 5i-mFI score significantly increased between 2014 and 2019. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that the 5i-mFI score was significantly associated with the severity of LUTS in 2014 to 5i-mFI in 2019 but not with 5i-mFI in 2014 to the severity of LUTS in 2019. CONCLUSION: The effect of LUTS on frailty might be greater than the effect of frailty on LUTS. Further large-scale studies are needed to elucidate the relationship between LUTS and frailty.
Body Compression Corrective Garment and Eating Behavioural Change for Weight Reduction: The Mutsu City Randomised Controlled Trial.
Akira Kanda, Yoshikuni Sugimura, Hideki Ohishi, Satoru Tatebayashi, Kaori Sawada, Kyi Mar Wai, Kei Nishiguchi, Asano Tanabu, Songee Jung, Koichi Murashita, Shigeyuki Nakaji, Kazushige Ihara
Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) 11 ( 7 ) 2023年03月 [査読有り]
研究論文(学術雑誌) 国内共著
Affordable and accessible behaviour-based interventions that do not overwhelm or demoralise overweight/obese individuals are needed. Combining clothing with behaviour change techniques might be an option. This is because clothing is a social norm, and clothing and motivation for weight loss are associated with the common desire to look better. Therefore, we conducted a single-blind randomised controlled trial to examine the effect of an intervention that combined behaviour change techniques, including simplified goal setting and self-monitoring, with a body compression corrective garment (BCCG), which exerts continuous but minimal tactile pressure on the hips and abdomen. We enrolled healthy community-dwelling adults with a body mass index ≥ 25 kg/m2 and assigned 35 and 34 participants to the intervention and control groups, respectively. The reduction in body weight was 1.3 kg more in the intervention group than in the control group after the 12-week intervention period (p < 0.05, repeated-measures mixed model). In addition, eating behaviour and body appreciation showed significant improvement in the intervention group compared with the control group. Our newly developed intervention improved eating behaviour and body appreciation and reduced the body weight of overweight/obese participants. Wearing a BCCG seems to facilitate behavioural changes and lead to weight loss.
Nobuo Fuke, Takahiro Yamashita, Sunao Shimizu, Mai Matsumoto, Kaori Sawada, Songee Jung, Itoyo Tokuda, Mina Misawa, Shigenori Suzuki, Yusuke Ushida, Tatsuya Mikami, Ken Itoh, Hiroyuki Suganuma
Metabolites ( MDPI AG ) 13 ( 2 ) 250 - 250 2023年02月 [査読有り]
研究論文(学術雑誌) 国内共著
The influx of intestinal bacteria-derived lipopolysaccharide (LPS) into the blood has attracted attention as a cause of diseases. The aim of this study is investigating the associations between the influx of LPS, dietary factors, gut microbiota, and health status in the general adult population. Food/nutrient intake, gut microbiota, health status and plasma LPS-binding protein (LBP; LPS exposure indicator) were measured in 896 residents (58.1% female, mean age 54.7 years) of the rural Iwaki district of Japan, and each correlation was analyzed. As the results, plasma LBP concentration correlated with physical (right/left arms’ muscle mass [β = −0.02, −0.03]), renal (plasma renin activity [β = 0.27], urine albumin creatinine ratio [β = 0.50]), adrenal cortical (cortisol [β = 0.14]), and thyroid function (free thyroxine [β = 0.05]), iron metabolism (serum iron [β = −0.14]), and markers of lifestyle-related diseases (all Qs < 0.20). Plasma LBP concentration were mainly negatively correlated with vegetables/their nutrients intake (all βs ≤ −0.004, Qs < 0.20). Plasma LBP concentration was positively correlated with the proportion of Prevotella (β = 0.32), Megamonas (β = 0.56), and Streptococcus (β = 0.65); and negatively correlated with Roseburia (β = −0.57) (all Qs < 0.20). Dietary factors correlated with plasma LBP concentration correlated with positively (all βs ≥ 0.07) or negatively (all βs ≤ −0.07) the proportion of these bacteria (all Qs < 0.20). Our results suggested that plasma LBP concentration in the Japanese general adult population was associated with various health issues, and that dietary habit was associated with plasma LBP concentration in relation to the intestinal bacteria.
Kyota Ishibashi, Eiji Sasaki, Daisuke Chiba, Tetsushi Oyama, Seiya Ota, Hikaru Ishibashi, Yuji Yamamoto, Eiichi Tsuda, Kaori Sawada, Songee Jung, Yasuyuki Ishibashi
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders ( Springer Science and Business Media LLC ) 23 ( 1 ) 2022年11月 [査読有り]
研究論文(学術雑誌) 国内共著
Knee osteoarthritis (OA) has enormous medical and socioeconomic burdens, which early diagnosis and intervention can reduce. We investigated the influence of knee effusion on the progression of knee OA in patients with early knee OA.
A total of 404 participants without radiographic knee OA were assessed from a 3-year longitudinal analysis. Participants were classified into non-OA and early knee OA groups. The effusion area (mm<sup>2</sup>) was quantified using ultrasonography. Receiver operating characteristic and logistic regression analyses were performed.
At the 3-year follow-up, 114 of 349 knees (32%) had progressed from non-OA and 32 of 55 knees (58%) had progressed from early knee OA to radiographic knee OA. Logistic regression analysis showed that female sex (odds ratio [OR] 3.36, 95% confidence interval [CIs] 2.98–5.42), early knee OA (OR 2.02, 95% CI 1.08–3.75), body mass index (OR 1.11, 95% CI 1.02–1.19), and effusion area (OR 1.01, 95% CI 1.01–1.02) were significantly correlated with knee OA progression. Women who were overweight (body mass index ≥ 25 kg/m<sup>2</sup>) with more severe effusion had a higher risk of OA progression (area under the curve = 0.691, OR = 6.00) compared to those not overweight (area under the curve = 0.568, OR = 1.91).
Knee effusion may be an indicator of the progression of early-stage knee OA. -
能代山本がん予防推進協議会 がん予防推進フォーラム 2024年11月
Jung S.
Sleep Medicine ( Sleep Medicine ) 119 357 - 364 2024年07月
Correction: Kanda et al. Body Compression Corrective Garment and Eating Behavioural Change for Weight Reduction: The Mutsu City Randomised Controlled Trial. Healthcare 2023, 11, 942.
Akira Kanda, Yoshikuni Sugimura, Hideki Ohishi, Satoru Tatebayashi, Kaori Sawada, Kyi Mar Wai, Kei Nishiguchi, Asano Tanabu, Songee Jung, Koichi Murashita, Shigeyuki Nakaji, Kazushige Ihara
Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) 12 ( 2 ) 2024年01月
In the original publication [...].
鄭松伊、山崎貞一郎 、岩倉正浩 、野村恭子1
秋田県の健康長寿と遠隔医療プロジェクト 2024年
会議報告等 国内共著
鄭松伊, 山崎貞一郎, 岩倉正浩, 野村恭子
令和6年度厚生労働科学研究費 女性の健康の包括的支援政策研究事業 健康寿命延伸に備えた女性の心身の健康支援のための普及啓発に向けた研究 分担報告書 2024年
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学術関係受賞 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Outstanding Paper Award
2025年02月21日 the KIHA Checklist Validation study for Health Promotion among Working Women: an Internet Survey on 3,343 female workers
受賞者: Kyoko Nomura, Songee Jung -
2024年09月08日 第42回東北理学療法学術大会 秋田県の男性トラック運転者における身体活動と心血管疾患リスクとの関連に関する横断研究
受賞者: 山崎貞一郎, 岩倉正浩, 鄭松伊, 澤口駿, 津田直輝, 野村恭子.
科研費(文科省・学振)獲得実績 【 表示 / 非表示 】
研究期間: 2024年04月 - 2029年03月 代表者: 宮本 翔平, 岩澤 敦史, 後藤 成人, 丹治 史也, 影山 隆之, 鄭 松伊
研究期間: 2018年04月 - 2020年03月 代表者: 鄭 松伊
研究期間: 2015年08月 - 2017年03月 代表者: 鄭 松伊, 大久保 善郎, 大須賀 洋祐, 田中 喜代次
研究期間: 2014年04月 - 2017年03月 代表者: 田中 喜代次, 重松 良祐, 清野 諭, 竹中 晃二, 宮地 元彦, 鄭 松伊, 大久保 善郎, 大須賀 洋祐
学会等発表 【 表示 / 非表示 】
太田奈歩, 鄭松伊, 山崎貞一郎, 岩倉正浩, 岩澤敦史, 野村恭子.
第95回日本衛生学会学術総会 2025年03月 - 2025年03月
鄭松伊, 岩倉正浩, 山崎貞一郎, 岩澤敦史, 野村恭子.
第26回日本健康支援学会 2025年03月 - 2025年03月
鄭松伊, 山崎貞一郎, 岩倉正浩, 岩澤敦史, 野村恭子. [招待有り]
第26回日本健康支援学会 2025年03月 - 2025年03月
鄭松伊, 岩倉正浩, 山崎貞一郎, 成田伸太郎, 宮腰尚久, 羽渕友則, 野村恭子.
第95回日本衛生学会 2025年03月 - 2025年03月
Checklist Validation study for Health Promotion among Working Women: an Internet Survey on 3,343 female workers
Kyoko Nomura, Songee Jung.
Korean Industrial Hygiene Association 2025年02月 - 2025年02月
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