Affiliation |
Hospital Anesthesiology |
Research Interests 【 display / non-display 】
局所麻酔薬中毒 / 脂肪乳剤 / 高比重ブピバカイン / 局所麻酔薬 / 等比重ブピバカイン /
Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Iwate Medical University Faculty of Dentistry Graduated
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
Akita University Hospital Anesthesiology Assistant Professor
Research Achievements 【 display / non-display 】
Anesthesia & Analgesia 125 ( 5 ) 1496 - 1502 2017.11
Research paper (journal) Single author
Comparison of hemodynamic responses associated with tracheal intubation under various induction doses of remifentanil and propofol
Masashi Yoshimoto.Toru Gouyagi
J anesthesiology ( 2 ) 154 - 160 2012.10
Research paper (journal) Single author
◆Original paper【 display / non-display 】
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
日本蘇生学会第36回大会 (東京) 2017.11 - 2017.11
Efficacy of lipid resuscation in cardiac arrest induced by bupivacaine-glucose mixture in rats
Masashi Yoshimoto.Takashi Horiguti.Toshiaki NIshikawa
ヨーロッパ麻酔学会 (Stockholm Sweden) 2014.05 - 2014.06
Comparative efficacyof lipid resuscitation from iocal anasthetics(levobupivacaine ropivacaine) toxicity in rats
Masashi Yoshimoto.Takashi Horiguchi.Toshiaki Nishikawa
ヨーロッパ麻酔学会 (Balcelona Spain) 2013.06 - 2013.06
Comparative affects of lipid emulsion on the recovery from levobupivacaine-induced or from ropivacaine-induced cardiac arrest in rats
Masashi Yoshimoto.Takashi Horiguchi.Toshiaki Nishikawa
15th World Congress of Anaesthsiolpgists (Buenos Aires Argentina) 2012.03 - 2012.03
Systemic toxicity of bupivacaine.levobupivacaineorropivacaine in awake rats.
Masashi Yoshimoto.Takashi Horiguchi.Toshiaki NIshikawa
The 2nd Conference of the Asian Society for Neuroanesthesia and clinical Care (New Delhi India) 2011.02 - 2011.02