Affiliation |
Graduate School of Medicine Doctorial Course in Medicine Organ Function-Oriented Medicine Department of Cardiovascular Medicine |
SATO Wakana
Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Akita University Faculty of Medicine Graduated
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Akita University Graduate School, Division of Medicine Doctor's Course Completed
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
Akita University Graduate School of Medicine Doctorial Course in Medicine Organ Function-Oriented Medicine Assistant Professor
Akita University School of Medicine Endowed Departments Assistant Professor appointed to endowed chairs
Research Achievements 【 display / non-display 】
Manifestation of coronary subclavian steal phenomenon using reactive hyperemia in the ipsilateral forearm.
Iino T, Yamanaka T, Sato W, Iino K, Watanabe H.
Echocardiography 2019.10 [Refereed]
Research paper (journal) Domestic Co-author
Visualization of arterial wall vascularization using superb microvascular imaging in active-stage Takayasu arteritis.
Sato W, Sato T, Iino T, Seki K, Watanabe H.
Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging 2019.06 [Refereed]
Research paper (journal) Domestic Co-author
Morphological determinants of obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy obtained using echocardiography.
Nara I, Iino T, Watanabe H, Sato W, Watanabe K, Shimbo M, Umeta Y, Ito H.
Int. Heart J. 2018.01 [Refereed]
Research paper (journal) Domestic Co-author
Inflammatory Aneurysm of Ileocolic Artery Discovered on FDG-PET/CT.
Sato W, Watanabe H, Nara I, Ito H.
J Vasc Surg. 2017.01 [Refereed]
Research paper (journal) Domestic Co-author
An abnormal flow profile of Internal Jugular Vein in Patients Implanted with Pacemaker-leads.
Abe T, Sato W, Sato T, Iino T, Seki K, Suzuki T, Iino K, Watanabe H.
Akita j. med. 2018.01 [Refereed]
Research paper (university bulletin, research institution) Domestic Co-author
Coconut Atrium Causing Restrictive Physiology in the Right Ventricle
Wakaki Tomitaka, Sato Wakana, Suzuki Mayu, Watanabe Hiroyuki
Internal Medicine ( 一般社団法人 日本内科学会 ) advpub ( 0 ) 2289 - 2292 2024
<p>We herein report a 61-year-old woman with a history of mitral valve replacement for rheumatic fever who presented with crural edema and ascites. Computed tomography showed massive left atrial (LA) calcification involving the interatrial septum, termed "coconut atrium." Catheterization revealed not only pulmonary artery hypertension but also a large V-wave in the pulmonary artery wedge pressure waveform and a dip-and-plateau pattern of right ventricular pressure. Three-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography confirmed the early attainment of peak LA volume and a decreased LA expansion index. Stiff LA syndrome due to coconut LA results in the development of restrictive right ventricular physiology. </p>
WAKASA Ryosei, OKUBO Atsuya, SATO Wakana, SHIMIZU Hiroaki
Surgery for Cerebral Stroke ( The Japanese Society on Surgery for Cerebral Stroke ) 50 ( 4 ) 286 - 290 2022
<p>The surgical treatment of radiation-induced carotid stenosis is controversial. Here we report a case of carotid endarterectomy (CEA). A 70-year old man with a history of radiotherapy for pharyngeal cancer 20 years prior was admitted with sporadic infarctions in the right cerebral hemisphere. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and subsequent angiography demonstrated 75% stenosis of the right common carotid artery (CCA). Plaque images showed vulnerable plaques extending from the proximal CCA to the carotid bifurcation. The plaque was diagnosed as a radiation-induced lesion; however, its volume was too large for carotid artery stenting. The patient underwent CEA under intraoperative ultrasonography guidance to ensure a site of carotid clamping with less plaque content. The carotid arteries were dissected as usual. The plaque was muddy and protruded upon the carotid incision, but dissection from the media was also as usual. The patient's postoperative course was uneventful with no neurological deficits and resolution of the right carotid stenosis; however, he died of multiple organ failure 3 months later. The authors concluded that radiation-induced carotid stenosis may be treated with CEA when a plaque is large and vulnerable.</p>